Package 'IMP'

Title: Interactive Model Performance Evaluation
Description: Contains functions for evaluating & comparing the performance of Binary classification models. Functions can be called either statically or interactively (as Shiny Apps).
Authors: Anup Nair [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Anup Nair <[email protected]>
License: GPL
Version: 1.1
Built: 2025-03-08 02:29:51 UTC

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Interactive confusion matrix


Interactive version of the staticConfMat function


interConfMatrix(list_models, model_function = NULL, data = NULL, y = NULL)



A list of one (or more) dataframes for each model whose performance is to be evaluated. Each dataframe should comprise of 2 columns with the first column indicating the class labels (0 or 1) and the second column provding the raw predicted probabilities


Models can be created interactively, if required. For this option to work, a model function should be passed as an argument. The model function should take a formula as an argument, and return a a dataframe as output (dataframe should comprise of 2 columns with the first column indicating the class labels (0 or 1) and the second column provding the raw predicted probabilities) Please refer to the example section for more details


The name of the data-set. The Independent Variable (IV) names, for interactive model building, is picked up from this data set


The column name of the Dependent Variable (DV), for interactive model building


This function will launch a ShinyApp.Input parameters (such as the probability threshold, the "t" argument in the static version of this function) can be adjusted through app widgets. The 'Run-Analysis' button in the app, will generate model performance output basis selected input parameters

For interactive Model building, a model function, data set & the dependent variable name should be passed as arguments. Interactive model building option creates additional input widgets in the app. This includes -

A drop down to select independent variables (the names of the variables will be picked up from the data argument)

An input slider to include additional models (upto 4 additional models can be created). Each additional model updates the original model created. For e.g. consider the dataset has 10 IVs: x1-x10. Original model was created by selecting x1-x4 from the drop down list. If we need to create a second model, by including x5 and excluding x3 simply type, "+ x5 - x3" in the input text box


# Without interactive model development
model_1 <- glm(Species ~ Sepal.Length,data=iris,family=binomial)
model_2 <- glm(Species ~ Sepal.Width, data=iris, family = binomial)
df1 <- data.frame(model_1$y,fitted(model_1))
df2 <- data.frame(model_2$y,fitted(model_2))
## Not run: 
#This will launch a Shiny App
interConfMatrix(list_models = list(df1,df2))
## End(Not run)

# With interactive model development
glm_model <- function(formula) {
   glm_model <- glm(formula, data = iris, family = "binomial")
   out <- data.frame(glm_model$y, fitted(glm_model))
   out }
 ## Not run: 
 #This will launch a Shiny App
## End(Not run)

Interactive Model Performance Evaluation & Comparison


Interactive version of the staticPerfMeasures function


interPerfMeasures(list_models, sample_size_concord = 5000,
  model_function = NULL, data = NULL, y = NULL)



A list of one (or more) dataframes for each model whose performance is to be evaluated. Each dataframe should comprise of 2 columns with the first column indicating the class labels (0 or 1) and the second column providing the raw predicted probabilities


For computing concordance-discordance measures (and c-statistic) a random sample is drawn from each dataset (if nrow(dataset) > 5000). Default sample size of 5000 can be adjusted by changing the value of this argument


Models can be created interactively, if required. For this option to work, a model function should be passed as an argument. The model function should take a formula as an argument, and return a a dataframe as output (dataframe should comprise of 2 columns with the first column indicating the class labels (0 or 1) and the second column provding the raw predicted probabilities) Refer to the example section for more details


The name of the data-set. The Independent Variable (IV) names, for interactive model building, is picked up from this data set


The column name of the Dependent Variable (DV), for interactive model building


This function will launch a ShinyApp.Input parameters (such as the number of bins, the "g" argument in the static version of this function) can be adjusted through app widgets. The 'Run-Analysis' button in the app, will generate model performance output basis selected input parameters

For interactive Model building, a model function, data set & the dependent variable name should be passed as arguments. Interactive model building option creates additional input widgets in the app. This includes -

A drop down to select independent variables (the names of the variables will be picked up from the data argument)

An input slider to include additional models (upto 4 additional models can be created). Each additional model updates the original model created. For e.g. consider the dataset has 10 IVs: x1-x10. Original model was created by selecting x1-x4 from the drop down list. If we need to create a second model, by including x5 and excluding x3 simply type, "+ x5 - x3" in the input text box


# Without interactive model development
model_1 <- glm(Species ~ Sepal.Length,data=iris,family=binomial)
model_2 <- glm(Species ~ Sepal.Width, data=iris, family = binomial)
df1 <- data.frame(model_1$y,fitted(model_1))
df2 <- data.frame(model_2$y,fitted(model_2))

## Not run: 
#This will launch a Shiny App
interPerfMeasures(list_models = list(df1,df2))
## End(Not run)

# With interactive model development
glm_model <- function(formula) {
   glm_model <- glm(formula, data = iris, family = "binomial")
   out <- data.frame(glm_model$y, fitted(glm_model))
   out }
 ## Not run: 
 #This will launch a Shiny App
 interPerfMeasures (model_function = glm_model,data=iris,y="Species")
## End(Not run)

Confusion Matrix for Binary Classification Models


Generates confusion matrix for a specified probability threshold. Also computes the following metrics - Accuracy, True Positive Rate, False Positive Rate & Precision. Multiple models can be passed as arguments to this function


staticConfMatrix(list_models, t, reps = NULL, reps.all.unique = F)



A list of one (or more) dataframes for each model whose performance is to be evaluated. Each dataframe should comprise of 2 columns with the first column indicating the class labels (0 or 1) and the second column providing the raw predicted probabilities


Probability threshold value


Performance measures derived from the confusion matrix (Accuracy, TPR, FPR & Precision) are computed for a range of different probability thresholds. The "reps" argument controls the number of different probability thresholds considered (threshold range given by the sequence - seq(0,1,1/reps))


Logical; If set to True, Performance measures are computed for each unique Probability value


If reps = NULL, the output will be a list with 2 components - a confusion matrix dataframe and a dataframe with the values of the computed metrics (Accuracy,TPR,FPR,Precision). If reps argument is supplied, an additional dataframe containing the metrics values for different probability thresholds is included in the output


model_1 <- glm(Species ~ Sepal.Length,data=iris,family=binomial)
model_2 <- glm(Species ~ Sepal.Width, data=iris, family = binomial)
df1 <- data.frame(model_1$y,fitted(model_1))
df2 <- data.frame(model_2$y,fitted(model_2))

Model evaluation measures for Binary classification models


Generates & plots the following performance evaluation & validation measures for Binary Classification Models - Hosmer Lemeshow goodness of fit tests, Calibration plots, Lift index & gain charts & concordance-discordance measures


staticPerfMeasures(list_models, g, perf_measures = c("hosmer", "calibration",
  "lift", "concord"), sample_size_concord = 5000)



A list of one (or more) dataframes for each model whose performance is to be evaluated. Each dataframe should comprise of 2 columns with the first column indicating the class labels (0 or 1) and the second column providing the raw predicted probabilities


The number of groups for binning. The predicted probabilities are binned as follows

For Hosmer-Lemshow (HL) test: Predicted probabilities binned as per g unique quantiles i.e. cut_points = unique(quantile(predicted_prob,seq(0,1,1/g)))

For Lift-Index & Gain charts: Same as HL test, however if g > unique(predicted_probability), the predicted probabilities are used as such without binning

For calibration plots, g equal sized intervals are created (of width 1/g each)


Select the required performance evaluation and validation measure/s, from the following options - c('hosmer','calibration','lift','concord'). Default option is All


For computing concordance-discordance measures (and c-statistic) a random sample is drawn from each dataset (if nrow(dataset) > 5000). Default sample size of 5000 can be adjusted by changing the value of this argument


A nested list with 2 components - a list of dataframes and a list of plots - containing the outcomes of the different performance evaluations carried out.


model_1 <- glm(Species ~ Sepal.Length,data=iris,family=binomial)
model_2 <- glm(Species ~ Sepal.Width, data=iris, family = binomial)
df1 <- data.frame(model_1$y,fitted(model_1))
df2 <- data.frame(model_2$y,fitted(model_2))
staticPerfMeasures(list(df1,df2),g=10, perf_measures = c("hosmer","lift"))